(1) 国家重点研发计划子课题“重金属低积累农作物与Cd 富集植物间套种对重度Cd污染农田的植物阻控与污染土壤修复技术与机理研究”,2016-2020,参加;
(2) 中央高校基本科研业务费“硅转运蛋白阻遏低积累小麦籽粒砷积累的机制”, 2016-2018,主持;
(3) 江苏省科技支撑计划-社会发展项目“建立水稻-黑麦草复种模式、利用植物促生菌调控——修复稻田重金属污染土壤的技术研究”,2014-2017,参加;
(4) 国家自然科学基金面上项目“耐镉胁迫的生物质能源植物柳枝稷种质资源挖掘及其生理与分子基础研究”,2014-2017,参加;
(5) 江苏省自然科学基金“同品种小麦砷耐性和积累的遗传学差异及其机制”, 2013-2016,主持;
(6) 国家自然科学基金青年项目“低砷积累小麦品种对砷的阻遏机制”,2013-2015,主持;
代表性论文 (一作或通讯):
(1) Shi GL, Li DJ, Wang YF, Liu CH, Hu ZB, Lou LQ*, Rengel Z, Cai QS. Accumulation and distribution of arsenic and cadmium in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) at different developmental stages, Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 667, 532-539
(2) Shi G, Ma H, Chen Y, Liu H, Song G, Cai Q, Lou L*, Rengel Z. Low arsenate influx rate and high phosphorus concentration in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.): A mechanism for arsenate tolerance in wheat plants, Chemosphere, 2019, 214, 94-102
(3) Nahmina Begum*, Zhaoyang Hu, Qingsheng Cai*, Laiqing Lou*, Influence of PGPB inoculation on HSP70 and HMA3 gene expression in switchgrass under cadmium stress, Plants-Basel, 2019, 8(11), 504
(4) Begum N, Afzal S, Zhao H, Lou L*, Cai Q*. Shoot endophytic plant growth-promoting bacteria reduce cadmium toxicity and enhance switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) biomass, Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2018, 40(9), 170
(5) Shi GL#, Lou LQ#,*, Li DJ, Hu ZB, Cai QS*. Phytochelatins play key roles for the difference in root arsenic accumulation of different Triticum aestivum cultivars in comparison with arsenate uptake kinetics and reduction. Chemosphere, 2017,175: 192-199
(6) Afzal S, Begum N, Zhao H, Fang Z, Lou L*, Cai Q*. Influence of endophytic root bacteria on the growth, cadmium tolerance and uptake of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) , Journal of Applied Microbiology, 2017, 123 (2): 498~510
(7) Shi G.L., Zhu S., Bai S.N., Xia Y., Lou L.Q.*, Cai Q.S.*,The transportation and accumulation of arsenic, cadmium, andphosphorus in 12 wheat cultivars and their relationships with each other. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 299, 94–102, 2015.
(8) Shi G.L., Zhu S., Meng J.R., Qian M., Yang N., Lou L.Q.*, Cai Q.S.*, Variation in arsenic accumulation and translocation among wheat cultivars: The relationship between arsenic accumulation, ef?ux by wheat roots and arsenate tolerance of wheat seedlings. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 289, 190–196, 2015.
(9) Lou L.Q.*, Shi G.L., Wu J.H., Zhu S., Qian M., Wang H.Z., Cai Q.S.*, The in?uence of phosphorus on arsenic uptake/ef?ux and As toxicity to wheat roots in comparison with sulfur and silicon. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 2015, 34, 242-250
(10) Shi G.L., Lou L.Q.*, Zhang S., Xia X.W., Cai Q.S.*, 2013. Arsenic, copper, and zinc contamination in soil and wheat during coal mining, with assessment of health risks for the inhibitants of Huaibei, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 20, 8435–8445.
(11) Jiang L., Shi G.R., Ding Y.L., Lou L.Q.* and Cai Q.S.*, 2013. Differential responses of two bamboo species (Phyllostachys Auresulcata and Pleioblastus Chino) to excess copper. Bioenergy Resources, 6, 1223–1229.
(12) Lou, L.Q., Ye, Z.H., Lin, A.J., Wong, M.H., 2010. Interaction of As and P on their uptake and accumulation in Pteris vittata L. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 12, 487-502.
(13) Lou, L.Q., Ye, Z.H., Wong, M.H., 2009. A comparison of arsenic tolerance, uptake and accumulation between arsenic hyperaccumulator, Pteris vittata L. and non-accumulator, P. semipinnata L.-A hydroponic study. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 171, 436–442.
(14) Lou, L.Q., Ye, Z.H., Wong, M.H., 2007. Solubility and accumulation of metals in Chinese brake fern, vetiver and rostrate sesbania using chelating agents. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 9, 325-343.
(15) Lou, L.Q., Shen, Z.G., Li, X.D., 2004. The copper tolerance and mechanisms of Elsholtzia haichowensis, a plant from copper-enriched soils. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 51, 111-120.
(16) 李思妍,史高玲,娄来清*,蔡庆生. P、Fe及水分对土壤砷有效性和小麦砷吸收的影响. 农业环境科学学报,2018,37(3):415-422